Simply Streisand
Columbia 9482 - 1967
Producer: Jack Gold and Howard A. Roberts.
My Funny Valentine (from "Babes In Arms") (2:22)
The Nearness Of You (3:29)
When Sunny Gets Blue (2:58)
Make The Man Love Me (from "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn") (2:27)
Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be?) (2:51)
More Than You Know (3:30)
I'll Know (from "Guys And Dolls") (2:49)
All The Things You Are (from "Very Warm For May") (3:36)
The Boy Next Door (from "Meet Me In St. Louis") (2:51)
Stout-Hearted Men (from "The New Moon") (2:42)
This album was issued on the same day as "A Christams Album."
A single was released for "Stout-Hearted Men" which featured an alternate version from that which is presented on the album.
The B-Side was a song from the "Je M'appelle Barbra" sessions, "Look." "Look" is the English language versio of the non-album track from the EP "En Francais" entitled "Et La Mer."
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